AMS Special Session on Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics and Mathematics, New York, NY, March 15-16, 2008

Special Session on Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics and Mathematics
Saturday 15 March 2008
Sunday 16 March 2008
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University (NYU)
251 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10012-1185
Short Description
The Synergetics Collaborative is sponsoring a special session on Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics and Mathematics at the 2008 Spring Eastern Meeting (#1036) of the American Mathematical Society (AMS).
The special session will provide a forum for mathematicians and other researchers who have been influenced by Buckminster Fuller's Synergetic Geometry to share their research in building upon Fuller's mathematical work.
Tentative Schedule
A Tentative Schedule for the special session on Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics and Mathematics at the 2008 Spring Eastern Meeting (#1036) of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) is now available.
Event Program
The up-to-date event Program for the Special Session on Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics and Mathematics is maintained on the AMS web site.
Representative Topics for the Special Session
Geodesic domes, tensegrity structures, the isotropic vector matrix, operational mathematics, omnitopology, constant zenith projections, polyhedral geometry, finite mathematics, etc.
Fees are US$40 for AMS or CMS members, US$60 for nonmembers of the AMS; and US$5 for students, unemployed mathematicians, and emeritus members. Fees are payable on site by cash, check, or credit card.
Travel Directions
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University Travel Directions
International Participants
Information for international participants
About The Sponsors

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