Tentative Schedule for the

Special Session on Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics and Mathematics

Organized by the Synergetics Collaborative (SNEC) and the American Mathematical Society (AMS)

From 8 AM to 6:20 PM on 15 March 2008

At the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University (NYU), New York, NY

Note: Schedule subject to change (Current as of Friday, February 15, 2008 00:20:58)
check the AMS web site for last minute changes: http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2149_program_ss5.html

AMS 2008 Spring Eastern Meeting
New York, NY, March 15-16, 2008 (Saturday - Sunday)
Meeting #1036

Associate secretaries:
Lesley M Sibner, AMS lsibner@duke.poly.edu

Please send comments and suggestions to the Synergetics Collaborative webmaster.

Special Session on Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics and Mathematics

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