[SNEC] Ben-Eli & Pearce at Design Science Symposium Nov 11-13

CJ Fearnley cjf at SynergeticsCollaborative.org
Tue Oct 25 10:55:10 EDT 2011

               Third Biennial Design Science Symposium
                            Hosted by the
      Synergetics Collaborative and the Edna Lawrence Nature Lab
                    Rhode Island School of Design
                       Providence, Rhode Island
                         11-13 November 2011

The Synergetics Collaborative and the Edna Lawrence Nature Lab at Rhode
Island School of Design (RISD) are pleased to announce details about the
forthcoming presentations of Michael Ben-Eli and Peter Jon Pearce at the
Design Science Symposium at RISD on 11-13 November 2011 (Friday - Sunday).

Michael Ben-Eli is founder of the Sustainability Laboratory established
to develop and demonstrate breakthrough approaches to sustainability
practices, expanding prospects and producing positive, life affirming
impacts on people and ecosystems in all parts of the world.

An international management consultant, Ben-Eli pioneered applications
of Systems Thinking and Cybernetics in management and organization.
In recent years, he has focused primarily on issues related to
sustainability and sustainable development, and has been working to help
inspire leaders in business, government, community, and youth accelerate
a peaceful transition to a sustainable future.

At the Third Biennial Design Science Symposium he will present a keynote
address entitled, "Sustainability by Design" in which he will expand
the notion of "design," explore the concept of design science and link
the two to the challenge of sustainability facing humanity today.

Peter Jon Pearce is a Product Designer specializing in high-performance
design. By that, Pearce means design in which form, structure, process,
and materials are fully integrated to create products of exceptional
performance, material efficiency, long life, and enduring appearance. This
strategy considers form as an agent of performance, and is regarded by
Pearce to be a fundamental condition for the achievement of sustainability
in the built environment.

At the Symposium Pearce will present a keynote address entitled,
"Morphology and High Performance Design" in which he will stress an
understanding of form as the primary determinant of superior high
performance by examining the strength of geometry in a 60-year quest
for design quality from Spitfires to the Pearce Ecohouse.

For more information on the forthcoming Design Science
Symposium or to register visit the event home page at

Pre-registration to the event is required.  To register,
please fill out the registration form at

The most important fact about Spaceship Earth:
an instruction manual didn't come with it.
--- R. Buckminster Fuller

CJ Fearnley                         |  Executive Director
cjf at SynergeticsCollaborative.org    |  Synergetics Collaborative
http://SynergeticsCollaborative.org |  "Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller

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