[SNEC] Registration for the Nov Design Science Symposium is open

CJ Fearnley cjf at SynergeticsCollaborative.org
Wed May 18 21:16:17 EDT 2011

Registration is now open for the Third Biennial Design Science Symposium
at RISD on the theme of "Nature, Geometry, and the Symmetry of Space:
Tetrahedron Discovers Itself and Universe", 11-13 November 2011,
Providence, RI.

Early registration (if checks are received before 1 August 2011) is
$195 per person.  Late registration is $250.  Students are $30 each.
RISD students are free but registration is required.  Fill out a
registration form here:

Mail checks to
   Synergetics Collaborative
   240 Copley Road
   Upper Darby, PA 19082-4016

The latest information about the event is available on the event home page:

Dare to be naïve.
--- R. Buckminster Fuller

CJ Fearnley                         |  Executive Director
cjf at SynergeticsCollaborative.org    |  Synergetics Collaborative
http://SynergeticsCollaborative.org |  "Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller

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