[SNEC] 2011 Design Science Symposium: Call For Artists

CJ Fearnley cjf at SynergeticsCollaborative.org
Wed May 4 12:05:56 EDT 2011

The 2011 Design Science Symposium will run from 10-13 November
2011 at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in Providence RI.
Please save the date.  The event home page has the latest information:

In conjunction with the event there will be a Design Science Symposium
Exhibit from 6-13 November 2011.  Please share the following call for
Art Work with anyone who might be interested in contributing:

2011 Design Science Symposium: Call For Artists

Open Call for Art Work for 6-13 November 2011 Design Science Symposium Exhibit

LOCATION: Waterman Gallery, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Providence, RI,
   02903 USA.

Application Deadline                1 September 2011
Accepted artists announced          1 October 2011
Bio and Description Material Due    24 October 2011
Work Received                       24-28 October 2011
Exhibit Dates                       6-13 November 2011
Opening Reception                   11 November 2011
Removal of Work                     13 November 2011

Joe Clinton, President, Clinton International Design Consultants
John Belt, President of Synergetics Collaborative, Associate Professor of
Design, SUNY Oswego
Carl Fasano, Artist, Senior Critic, Rhode Island School of Design


Open to everyone.


Entries must be recent, non-production work that relates to the broad
topic of Synergetics and Design Science. Work may include but is not
necessarily limited to the following categories: fine art, illustration,
industrial design, engineering, graphic design, fashion, furniture,
textiles, ceramics, film, digital media, architecture, landscape,
or design education.  Two-dimensional work must be wired and ready
to install. Three-dimensional work must be assembled and ready to
install. Work exceeding 200 lbs., or work larger than 36" x 36" x 36"
may require the artist(s) to assist with installation. Work requiring
digital projection, monitor or special media equipment will require
special arrangements with the curator. In said instances, the curator will
contact the artist to make appropriate installation arrangements. The
curatorial committee reserves the right to reject work that is deemed
unstable, that differs from the submitted digital image, or that is not
professionally presented.

The theme for the 2011 Design Science Symposium is Nature, Geometry, and
the Symmetry of Space: Tetrahedron Discovers Itself and Universe. Entries
relevant to the theme will be given preference by jurors. We are
particularly interested in work related to the Vector Equilibrium,
Isotropic Vector Matrix, the closest packing of spheres, Quanta Modules,
Cosmic Hierarchy, Great Circles and other models of "Nature's coordinate
system" (see the event description for background information).

Accepted artists will be notified by October 1, 2011.

Accepted submissions should be delivered to the Carl Fasano, Design Science
Symposium Exhibit, Foundation Studies Department, Rhode Island School
of Design, Edna Lawrence Nature Lab/Waterman Gallery, 2 College Street,
Providence, RI 02903 from October 24-28, between 9 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
HAND DELIVERY: Advance notification necessary for hand deliveries.

Shipping costs are the responsibility of the artist. A check for return
shipping, including insurance (please ask carrier to determine this amount)
must accompany the work. A packing fee will be charged if work cannot be
repacked in its original materials.

All exhibited work is to be picked up November 13, noon - 3:00 p.m. from the
Waterman Gallery.

The Synergetics Collaborative does not carry insurance for artist's work(s).
Insurance is the artist's responsibility.

The Synergetics Collaborative and the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
reserve the right to photograph the work for publicity. By entering your work
in Design Science Symposium Exhibit, you agree to the use of your name,
likeness, and certain personal information in any publicity material developed
for the exhibition.

There will be Student Monitoring of the Gallery area during the day and
evening and Card Access during late hours.

Sales must be privately negotiated between artist and buyer. There will not be
a sales commission for the Synergetics Collaborative or RISD. If sales are
generated as a result of the exhibition, artists are asked to consider making
a tax-deductable donation of 20% the total sales price, divided evenly, to the
Synergetics Collaborative and RISD Scholarship Fund.

Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday 9
a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. - noon.

Artists may submit three digital entries in a JPEG format on CD-ROM. This may
include details, but no more than a total of three images should be on the
submitted CD. If more than one image is submitted, they MUST all be on one
CD. Image files on the CD must be labeled with the artist's last name followed
by 01, 02, 03. All CDs/images must be readable by Macintosh platforms. No
image should be larger than 300 dpi. Images should be oriented correctly. DO
NOT submit PowerPoint presentations, automated slide presentations, or work
on DVD. All CDs must be labeled with the artist's full name.

Please fill out the PDF SUBMISSION ENTRY FORM (attached) and send via postal mail to:
  Rhode Island School of Design
  Attn: Carl Fasano, Design Science Symposium Exhibit, Foundation Studies Department
  2 College Street
  Providence, RI 02903

For more information, send e-mail to curator at SynergeticsCollaborative.org.

Dare to be naïve.
--- R. Buckminster Fuller

CJ Fearnley                         |  Executive Director
cjf at SynergeticsCollaborative.org    |  Synergetics Collaborative
http://SynergeticsCollaborative.org |  "Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller
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