[SNEC] Session on Synergetics and Mathematics, New York, NY, March 15-16, 2008

CJ Fearnley cjf at CJFearnley.com
Wed Aug 15 21:04:21 EDT 2007

Special Session on Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics and Mathematics at
AMS Spring Meeting

Upper Darby, PA - 15 August 2007

The Synergetics Collaborative (SNEC) announced today that it will sponsor
a special session on "Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics and Mathematics"
at 2008 Spring Eastern Meeting (#1036) of the American Mathematical
Society (AMS).

This special session will provide a forum for mathematicians and other
researchers who have been influenced by Buckminster Fuller's Synergetic
Geometry to share their research in building upon Fuller's mathematical
threads. Topics may include geodesic domes, tensegrity structures, the
isotropic vector matrix, operational mathematics, omnitopology, constant
zenith projections, polyhedral geometry, finite mathematics, etc.

Anyone interested in submitting a paper for this session
is welcome to do so.  More details about the Special Session
including help for presenters is available on our event web page:

The American Mathematical Society (AMS) was founded in 1888 to further
mathematical research and scholarship, the AMS fulfills its mission
through programs and services that promote mathematical research and
its uses, strengthen mathematical education, and foster awareness and
appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines
and to everyday life.

The Synergetics Collaborative is an organization dedicated to bringing
together a diverse group of people with an interest in Buckminster
Fuller's Synergetics.  Our next event will be a two-day symposium on
"Synergetics and Morphology: Explorations into the Shapes of Nature" on
November 3rd and 4th at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). More
information on the symposium is available on the event's web page at

For more information, contact:
CJ Fearnley
cjf at cjfearnley.com

We are on a spaceship; a beautiful one.  It took billions of years to develop.
We're not going to get another.  Now, how do we make this spaceship work?
  -- Buckminster Fuller

CJ Fearnley                |  Explorer in Universe
cjf at CJFearnley.com         |  Design Science Revolutionary
http://www.CJFearnley.com  |  "Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller

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