[SNEC] Fifth Annual Summer Workshop in Oswego, NY: June 22, 23 & 24
CJ Fearnley
cjf at CJFearnley.com
Wed May 2 17:53:48 EDT 2007
Synergetics Collaborative (SNEC)
presents its
Fifth Annual
* * * Workshop on Quantum Building * * *
in Oswego, NY, 22, 23, & 24 June 2007
Description: The Synergetics Collaborative's Fourth Annual Summer Workshop
in Oswego will focus on "Quantum Building: The First 28
Most-Efficient-Minimum Geometrical Systems". The main workshop
will be led by Thomas Miller who writes:
"The workshop is about learning to clone the four
basic cloning grids that make the volume quanta
(Fuller's term) the 'a' module, a-b module, mite and
't' module. We will concentrate on the first three. The
grids become self-organizing which needs four abilities:
self-stabilization, self-correction, self-regeneration
and self-innovation. The overall idea is that these
modules have a modular building system inside them and
we will explore that system."
In addition, there will be artifact exhibit space for participants
and a session for participants to discuss their work.
Friday Reception 22 June 2006, 7 - 10PM ($15; pre-register
to get directions)
Saturday 23 June 2006, 8AM - 10PM (Registration: 8 AM)
Sunday 24 June 2006, 8AM - 6PM
Pre-registration is required! Please fill out the following form:
Contact John Belt <belt at oswego.edu> to make housing
arrangements. On-campus housing is limited, and first come,
first served. Reservations must be made by July 14th!!!
SUNY Oswego
Department of Technology, Design Studio
Wilber Hall, Design Studio, Room 350
Oswego, NY
Event Web Page:
Travel Directions
Workshop Fee
$60 general ($30 for students).
Publicity Poster
Please let others know about this event by passing on this poster:
Exhibit Space
Exhibit space will be available for showing artifacts. Space
must be reserved by July 15. To make arrangements for space,
send a request with the dimensions of your piece(s) to John
Belt <belt at oswego.edu>. Please bring a card with a brief
description of your work for display in the exhibit area.
We are on a spaceship; a beautiful one. It took billions of years to develop.
We're not going to get another. Now, how do we make this spaceship work?
-- Buckminster Fuller
CJ Fearnley | Explorer in Universe
cjf at CJFearnley.com | Design Science Revolutionary
http://www.CJFearnley.com | "Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller
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