[SNEC] A Fuller Vision - Novermber 14th Audio Program on Buckminster Fuller

Chris Fearnley Chris at CJFearnley.com
Thu Dec 26 13:17:09 EST 2002

In case you have not seen mention of this audio program:

A Fuller Vision: Working Assets Radio with Laura Flanders

Which discusses the show "The History (and Mystery) of the Universe".
Jaime Snyder and Ron Campbell are interviewed by Laura Flanders.


   The lesson of history is that our firmest convictions are not to be
   asserted dogmatically; in fact they should be most suspect; they mark
   not our conquests but our limitations and our bounds. -- Morris Kline

Christopher J. Fearnley          |  Explorer in Universe
Chris at CJFearnley.com             |  Design Science Revolutionary
http://www.CJFearnley.com        |  "Dare to be Naïve" -- Bucky Fuller

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