[SNEC] Help us advertise the January Meeting

Chris Fearnley Chris at CJFearnley.com
Wed Dec 11 19:42:45 EST 2002

Please help us advertise the January Symposium on Synergetic Geometry.

Under separate cover I sent the announcment that I'm sending to my
contact list.

The web page http://snec.cjfearnley.com is the place to refer people.

Jeannie and I prepared a poster that you can print and post at local
libraries & Universities:  http://snec.cjfearnley.com/snec.2003.01.pdf

Note:  Post to Universities this week, because winter break is fast upon

   The lesson of history is that our firmest convictions are not to be
   asserted dogmatically; in fact they should be most suspect; they mark
   not our conquests but our limitations and our bounds. -- Morris Kline

Christopher J. Fearnley          |  Explorer in Universe
Chris at CJFearnley.com             |  Design Science Revolutionary
http://www.CJFearnley.com        |  "Dare to be Naïve" -- Bucky Fuller

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