[SNEC] Public Announcement for January SNEC meeting ... forthcoming

Chris Fearnley Chris at CJFearnley.com
Thu Nov 21 22:15:41 EST 2002

We are fast approaching the time for a public announcement.

Is everyone satisfied with the web page:

Does anyone object to having publically accessible archives at:

Is the Design Science EastCoastConference Wiki ready for public viewing:

Let me know of any final suggestions before we make a public

   The lesson of history is that our firmest convictions are not to be
   asserted dogmatically; in fact they should be most suspect; they mark
   not our conquests but our limitations and our bounds. -- Morris Kline

Christopher J. Fearnley          |  Linux/Internet/Web Consulting
Chris at CJFearnley.com             |  Design Science Revolutionary
http://www.CJFearnley.com        |  Explorer in Universe
                    "Dare to be Naïve" -- Bucky Fuller

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