Tuesday, 28 March 2017 EST

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Synergetics Collaborative SNEC Image of the inside of the rolled up steel deployable randome Inside of the rolled up steel deployable randome built at the Workshop on "Applied Synergetics"
Oswego, NY, August 2006

Synergetics Collaborative Non-Profit Organizational/Legal Documentation

The Synergetics Collaborative is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the understanding of Synergetics as proposed and developed by R. Buckminster Fuller. Through regular events and programs, SNEC facilitates education and research on the applied geometrical principles and the philosophical foundation of Synergetics.

Synergetics Collaborative Board of Directors

The Synergetics Collaborative is overseen by a Board of Directors.

  1. CJ Fearnley
  2. Thomas TK Zung
  3. Joe Clinton
  4. John Belt
  5. Peter Dean
  6. Neal Overstrom
  7. Stephen Metcalf
  8. Amy Leidtke
  9. Judith Belt

Organizational Documents